#EventerProblems, Vol. 40: Winter Is Coming

Go ahead and unpack those cozy sweaters, admire the cascading leaves, bask in the brilliant glow of late autumn. Soak up the season while you can because we’ve got bad news for you, suckers: The end is nigh.

All around the Eventing Nation, readers have been seeing the signs, heeding the omens and ‘Gramming ominous proof that winter is just around the corner. Here’s a sampling of the struggles that lie before us.

The joys of blanketing…

Waiting for rugs to wash… #laundromat #horseshaveabetterwardrobethanme #eventerproblems #shownextweek #horselife

A photo posted by Courtenae Truswell (@courtenae.t) on

The delightful weather…

When you have to take refuge on a hobbits porch during the rain. #wetfeanarion #eventerproblems

A photo posted by Zara Flores-Kinney (@thefeanarion) on

The burden of body-clipping…

The glamour of grooming…

#loubou is part #zebra? Or maybe just wet and muddy… #texasrose #eventing #eventerproblems

A photo posted by Becca Speer (@beccarides) on

The thrill of tack-cleaning…

Conditioning confusion…

And last but not least, the early, early Christmas shopping…

Welcome to the family, gorgeous

A photo posted by jmk (@littlemissjmk) on

Of course, there are countless other #EventerProblems that just keep coming year-round. Including but not limited to…

That dressage school was super tough #eventerproblems #ottb

A photo posted by Michaela Holmes (@watupholmes) on

Took over the bathroom. #sorrynotsorry to my non-equestrian roommates….. #eventerproblems

A photo posted by @camelias2009 on

Halter fleece works well on slings after you break a collarbone getting dumped cross-country. #eventerproblems

A photo posted by Nancy Toby (@nancytoby) on

Dinner plans…. And night check. #eventerproblems #barnmanagerlife

A photo posted by alicia_wood (@aliciawood123) on

What’s YOUR problem? Tweet it, Instagram it or share it on Facebook with the hashtag #EventerProblems for inclusion in the next edition of this series.

If you missed them: Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39.

Go Eventing!