‘Oh Crap’ Moment of the Day: Otter Creek Edition

Photo courtesy of Xpress Foto Photo courtesy of Xpress Foto

Today’s installment of “Oh Crap” is brought to you by the Otter Creek Summer Horse Trials, during which my Morgan gelding Onyx and I successfully navigated John Williams’ Beginner Novice cross-country course with only one or two slight mishaps. This particular minor cardiac incident was captured by Xpress Foto at Fence 12, an inviting white picnic table that Onyx was certain was a hiding spot for horse-eating monsters. My plucky pony put on his big boy pants and launched us over the obstacle …

Oh. CRAP. Photo courtesy of Xpress Foto.

Photo courtesy of Xpress Foto.

… and, judging from his expression, realized in midair that his rider was more or less up Crap Creek without a paddle. “Welp,” Onyx was probably thinking, “if she falls and gets eaten by the picnic table monsters, she can’t say that I didn’t try to save her hopeless butt.”

In the meantime, my sole thought was, “Oh … CRAP.” Give or take four letters.

Photo courtesy of Xpress Foto

Photo courtesy of Xpress Foto

Bless this pony and his sturdy, stumpy neck for catching my flailing carcass and just keepin’ on trucking along …

Photo courtesy of Xpress Foto

Photo courtesy of Xpress Foto

… allowing me to quickly recover from my near introduction to the turf and to replace my “Oh Crap” Face with my Game Face once more. Or maybe that’s a face of Sweet Relief.

Photo courtesy of Xpress Foto

Photo courtesy of Xpress Foto

This entire sequence occurred in just a few seconds, and thanks to the event photographers at Otter Creek, I have hilarious visuals to accompany my favorite story from the weekend.

Go “Oh Crap” faces. Go Eventing.

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