Michael Jung’s Winning Burghley Show Jumping Round

Michael Jung and La Biosthetique Sam FBW win! Photo by Samantha Clark. Michael Jung and La Biosthetique Sam FBW win! Photo by Samantha Clark.

The title of the video says it all: the Best of the Best. Michael Jung and Sam have surely earned that title now as they take their rightful place among the legends of the sport. We’d love it if Michael were to return to Kentucky next year, but in the meantime we’ll settle for watching (and re-watching) his winning show jump round from this morning.

Sam really jumped well today, and while he did rub one rail he was careful and responsive enough to leave the track in tact and secure the win. What a weekend for Michael — he will be soaring on a wave of confidence as he heads to the European Championships in Scotland next weekend. There is always another medal, another big event, to stamp your name on and Blair Castle is Ze Terminator’s next stop.

Congratulations once again to Michael and all of the Burghley competitors this weekend. What a great weekend for the sport of eventing!

#LRBHT: Website, Final Scores, Burghley TVEN’s CoverageEN’s TwitterEN’s Instagram, @samanthalclark