It was a wild and woolly weekend at the 2015 Plantation Field International Horse Trials, which wrapped up yesterday in Unionville, Pennsylvania.
For many competitors, the road to Plantation Field was long and winding. Sort of like a…
It was paved with late nights…
Had to get our last to jump school in before #plantationfield this weekend. #TheJ Panda and I start on the road tomorrow. #besteventever #amateureventer #makeitwork #eventerproblems A photo posted by Victoria Law (@dvmeventer) on
… and early mornings…
It’s dressage day! #plantationfield #dressage #early #chestercounty #sunrise #nofilter A photo posted by Sara Gartland (@sagartland) on
…followed by even later nights.
Cross-country day dawned, full of possibility and unanswered questions. Like, “Hey, has anybody seen the start box?”
Well, hope this fog lifts. Else #CrossCountry today at #PlantationField will be interesting! #eventerProblems #eventing #eventingnation #EquestrianProblems #ThreeDayEvent #equestrian A photo posted by David Roseman (@theflyingham) on
And, later, “Has anybody seen my horse?”
Photo credit: Cynthia Sayre Gilbert
But when the going gets tough…
…when the jumps get big…
The 6th fence on the 3 star Xc is quite small. #not #saidnooneever #imustbeinsane #illhavemyeyesclosedhere #teamspuk #plantationfieldhorsetrials #plantationfield A photo posted by justinedutton (@justinedutton) on
…when our glasses get empty…
Are they jumping soon? #ItsSadWhenTheChampagneIsGone #plantationfield A photo posted by Jacquelynn McHugh Simon (@jacqrunsandruns) on
…and the struggle just seems way too real…
A certain dog is exhausted after an exciting day at #PlantationField #besteventever #snoringdog A photo posted by Caitlin VanOrsdel (@cev89) on
…always remember that when it comes to #eventerproblems, you’ll never walk alone. Here are a few more #eventerproblems from around the Eventing Nation.
A photo posted by emminim (@e.r.eventing) on
A photo posted by Kelsey Willis (@giddyupwillis) on
A photo posted by @kellyownedbyblue on
A photo posted by arminda99 (@arminda99) on
A photo posted by Bella Mowbray (@bmowbrayeventing) on
A photo posted by Nan (@bayeventer) on
A photo posted by @eventer79 on
Whenever I try to get a nice picture. #eventerproblems #goeventing #horsenation #marestare
A photo posted by Lindsey Kahn (@kahnartistry) on
A photo posted by Sarah Johns (@sjblondie) on
When your horse gets creative with his flymask…#eventerproblems #wardrobemalfunction #WilliamRenee
A photo posted by Jenna Freitas (@jenna.freitas) on
It just fell off mum I swear! #rugbandit #notinerip #goodjobrox #eventerproblems
A photo posted by Charlotte Grace (@charliesweenss) on
Why is it that I can wake up at 4:30 for XC but not at 5:30 for school? #eventerproblems
A photo posted by Lauren Rosendahl (@life_of_an_eventer) on
If you missed them: Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.
Go Eventing.
What’s YOUR problem? Tweet it, Instagram it or share it on Facebook with the hashtag #EventerProblems for inclusion in the next edition of this series.