Bad Eventer’s Relationship Advice

If you aren’t a regular reader of Bad Eventer’s blog, you should be! With the holiday season revolving around family relationships, Bad Eventer’s advice on choosing a mate and making it last is quite timely.


From Bad Eventer:

Well………. Perhaps………..
Let me think about that…………..
Why………..yes! Yes……… I sure do.
Horses and significant others can be a very interesting subject. If you have an SO who is making that statement….about loving the horse more than them….. it’s probably true.
In my world, the moment THAT comes out of their mouth………the death knell has been rung on the relationship.
It’s kind of funny because over the years I’ve dated 3 men who turned out to be adamantly, emphatically, opposed to my horse ownership. The “funny” part of those relationships is my first date with all 3 of them was an invitation to go horse back riding. I explained my horsey life style and life long passion RIGHT UP FRONT.
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