A Statement from the Team at EN

A beautiful sunset in Area VII. Photo by Erin Tomson.

As we look ahead to a week in which, once again, we are left to our thoughts in the wake of the loss of one of our own eventing compatriots, we’ve struggled with how to move forward.

Eventing Nation is a news site, and the news cycle, cruel as ever, continues to march on. While we know there are events, announcements, and other news pieces happening, we’d be lying if we said we felt we could dive right back in to “business as usual”.

This sport is our home. Losing one of our community hits hard. We want to honor the legacy of Georgie, and of every other individual we’ve lost over the years.

So, we’ve decided to cease our operations on social media for the next week. We don’t want to perpetuate the quick-moving news cycle and leave her memory in its wake. We want to give our community time to process what happened, and to find the resources they need to look forward.

We have some obligations to publish timely pieces, and those will continue to be posted on EventingNation.com, but we respectfully ask for your patience as we will not be promoting these articles on our social media. You can keep up with the latest news stories on our website.

In the meantime, please stick together. Reach out for help. Do something kind for your family and friends. Hug your horses. Tilly Berendt has kindly collected several resources that can be useful for assistance here.

We will be back. But we wanted to respect Georgie and her family, and we don’t want to forget what happened by burying it in news.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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