A Very Blessed Olympics

This guy likes sports.

Stop worrying, EN readers. Put down your voodoo dolls and breathe. The Pope has blessed the Olympics. All will be well. The Olympics is cleansed of all its sins, reborn in light and innocence. The Olympics went to Bible study, impressed in Sunday school, and now is ready for its confirmation on July 27.

Some other things I wish the Pope would bless, while he’s at it:

  1. The cross-country course at Greenwich. Could we have a reverse Noah’s Ark situation there?
  2. My credit card with a flight to London. First class with a stay at the Savoy please.
  3. The US of A with some stellar dressage tests, few double clears on cross-country and rail-free stadium rounds. That’s not TOO much to ask is it?

Some things he could probably skip blessing:

  1. The British. Their horses and riders do not need ANY additional outside help please.
  2. Boyd Martin and Will Coleman. If they get any better looking they’re going to break the internet.
  3. Buddhist monk Kenki Sato, it will just confuse him.

The Vatican is saying that the Olympic Games is here to promote peace and understanding in the world. I always viewed it as more of an opportunity to play hooky and get really interested in swimming for two weeks. Maybe that’s just me though (it’s not). However, I hope to understand more and become enlightened as the Games go on. For example, I’d like to understand how and why William Fox Pitt gets to be the best at everything. Or why Lenamore won’t give me a cuddle, even though I’ve left numerous comments on numerous forums asking him.

So, whatever your religion, whether you go to Mass, a Mosque, or just light candles and put on organ music whenever you read Eventing Nation, lets take a month and try to put competing for medals aside and focus on peace and love. We can do that, right?

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