What are you planning in 2017? Oh yes, events, schoolings, training, a trip here or there, lots of horsey stuff … but maybe there are a few things that every eventer should also put on their calendar! Like:
- Volunteer somewhere for a whole day. It will give you a new perspective and educate you about yourself and your sport.
- Do something with your horse that is out of your usual box — perhaps a dressage show or jumper show, maybe a hunter show or equitation class, or clinic with someone other than your regulars.
- Take a day off training, schooling, teaching, coaching, etc., and spend a grateful evening with family — and let them know you appreciate them.
- Be kind to someone who is beneath you. They may be above you someday and will remember.
- Contribute to a worthwhile cause in your sport. If this is your profession, then it is your duty to support it. If this is your hobby, then it is your prerogative, but it is important for those coming behind you.
- Keep your horse’s well being foremost. When you’re tempted to reach for a stronger bit, ask yourself if you are the problem first. The best in the sport ride in simple snaffles most of the time. Be introspective and critical of self, before assigning blame or looking for excuses.
- Study your chosen field. Make it a point to know something of its history and background as well as current knowledge in the field. Read something other than the rulebook and social media!
- Have fun with friends at an event even if you didn’t win or had a bad day. You may not remember the color of the ribbon in years hence, but you will remember the joy!
Go Eventing.