“Dear President,
We the International Jumping Riders Club are the athletes who form the sport that your International Federation is the governing body of. We represent the athletes of the well know discipline in your family, and we are a group that has a membership across the globe, which has been in existence since the year 1977…
We do not feel that the General Assembly should be permitted to reverse a decision after it is taken, or to delay it beyond reasonable timeframe. We agree to the fact that the FEI Bureau has requested delay of implementation until April, and we will do everything to work alongside you in order to help you achieve the necessary examination of the substance levels that are included in the list. We the International Riders feel that we are willing to accept and aid the List Group of the FEI to amend the list to include lower levels in the case of some substances specified, in order to protect horses who compete in countries with less of a depth of veterinary knowledge and care, and in order for your delegates to feel comfortable that they have made a conservative judgment. According to the Statutes that the FEI passed in regards to Clean Sport, we recognize that an annual amendment to the list is possible, and therefore we agree to this policy direction and understand that annually it can be refined.
Madam President, we request respectfully, that you maintain this progressive list, and that you protect us, your riders from the damage that is being done to us publicly in the International Media from a situation that we did not contribute to create…
Postpone any decision for a further year would not be useful to our sport and would still leave riders, owner, organizers in a situation of uncertainty, and giving a negative image of our sport to athletes, fans and media.
On behalf of the IJRC
Respectfully Yours, Rodrigo Pessoa, IJRC President Ludger Beerbaum, Vice President Dr. Eleonora Ottaviani Moroni, Secretary General Francois Mathy jr, Advisor” Full Letter. Thanks to the FEI for originally sending us this letter.
Oh yeah, and the FEI reads Eventing Nation.