Are You Smarter Than A Pony Clubber

This week’s quiz is about feet! Perhaps I was inspired by an enlightening conversation with my farrier, or the fact that this is the month that my poor horse’s feet start to fall apart. Either way, with out further delay, I present the (very late) Are You Smarter Than A Pony Clubber quiz!

Parts of the Hoof


Farrier Tools


Bonus Question: Name the 5 steps in shoeing a horse


Parts of the Hoof

1. Heels                                          5. Sole    

2. Cleft                                            6. Wall

3. Bar                                              7. Frog

4. White line                                    8. Commissure

Farrier Tools

1. Shoe puller or pincers                 5. Clincher

2. Hoof trimmers or nippers            6. Clinch cutter or buffer

3. Rasp                                           7. Hoof knife or draw knife

4. Farrier’s Hammer                        8. Pritchel

5 Steps  in Shoeing

1. Preparation – Excess foot is removed and hoof is leveled and balanced.
2. Forging – Shoe is manipulated to fit foot.
3. Fitting – The fit of the shoe is checked.
4. Nailing On – The shoe is nailed on.
5. Finishing – Clinches are tightened and made smooth. Clips are tapped into place and hoof is smoothed by rasping.

The best way to learn about feet is to be involved. Talk to your farrier, ask why something is done a particular way. Your farrier can teach you a lot, you just have to ask.

So how did you do?

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