BadEventer’s Argento Completes 72nd Clear Cross Country Round + Other Weekend Results

This weekend was the first of Chattahoochee Hills’ annual summer series events in Fairburn, Ga. Jonathan Holling picked up two upper level wins. Laura K. Szeremi’s Direct Puissance finished on a 43.9 to win Open Intermediate and Avoca Druid, owned by  Team Rebecca, LLC, added a handful of time on cross country to win Open Preliminary-A.

Also, we extend huge congratulations to Direct Puissance’s owner Laura, also known as BadEventer, and her wonder horse Argento. Competing in Open Preliminary-A, they sealed the deal on Argento’s staggering 72nd career horse trials and upholding his perfect cross country record. That’s amazing!

TheWonderPony & BadEventer just completed his 72nd recognized event with his STILL perfect XC record! 72 shows & never a…

Posted by BadEventer on Sunday, July 3, 2016

Mike Huber and Tiffany Cooke’s Patent Pending finished second on 44.9 in Open Intermediate, having relinquished first place with 12.8 time penalties on cross country. M. Paige Pence and Class Action were third on a 51.8

Leslie Law kept the pressure on Jonathan in Open Preliminary-A, with Greyside LLC’s Fernhill Whatever and Gliding Class sitting second and third respectively throughout the competition.

Julie Richards also earned multiple wins. She and Fuerst Independance, owned by Margaret Creech, won Open Preliminary-B with one second of cross country time separating them and Leslie Law and Voltaire de Tre. Julie and Mary Bess Davis’s Firestone finished on their dressage score of 31.1. for a win in Open Training-A.

Chattahoochee Hills H.T. [Website] [Results]

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The Horse Park at New Jersey hosted more than 270 horses from Beginner Novice through Advanced this weekend in Allentown, N.J. The divisions were packed with especially healthy entries at the lower levels.

Lauren Kieffer and Jacqueline B. Mars’ DA Duras led the Advanced division from start to finish. A 28.4 in dressage gave them an early lead with enough breathing room that a single rail didn’t affect their placing. A clear round and 2.8 time penalties on cross country secured their win by ten points over second place Erin Sylvester and Frank Macentee’s Paddy the Caddy, who added a rail and time penalties to finish on 45.2.

Madeline Backus and P.S. Arianna, who completed their first CCI3* at Jersey Fresh in May, were the only finishers who show jumped cleanly, which moved them up in the standings from eighth to eventual third place.

Sinead Halpin and Manoir de Carneville held tightly to the lead in Open Intermediate-A, coming first in dressage on a 28.8 and adding only one second of time on cross country to finish ahead of Boyd Martin and Santos, owned by Ron and Densey Juvonen and Jill Jaeger who held fast to second place throughout. Caroline Martin and Sherrie Martin’s Spring Easy were the only pair to finish on their dressage score to finish third on 36.0.

Lauren picked up another win in Open Intermediate-B with Jacqueline B. Mars’ Landmark’s Ginger Rogers. They produced a rare clear show jumping round in the division to move up from fourth to second, and two time penalties on cross country was enough to claim victory. Ellie Luther and Fair Fiona, owned by  Windurra USA, LLC, were second on 39.6 having moved all the way up from tenth with two clear rounds, and Jordan Thompson and Femme Fatale finished third.

We hope you got to spend some quality time with your horses this holiday weekend!

Horse Park of New Jersey I H.T. [Website] [Results]

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