It’s a time-honored Horse Nation holiday tradition to gather ’round the tack room, dole out the eggnog and partake in some Christmas caroling — equestrian style. Here are a few of our favorite tunes:
(to the tune of “O Christmas Tree”)
How lovely is thy movement.
How graceful is your stride.
Your racing days are over now,
You’ll jump a fence or work a cow.
You’re good at everything.
Santa Baby
Santa Baby, slip a stallion under the tree, for me.
Been an awful good girl, Santa baby,
So hurry down the hayloft tonight.
Santa baby, an ’18 F350 too,
In blue.
With a tow package dear,
Santa baby, so hurry down the hayloft tonight.
A Few of My Favorite Things
Hoofprints in footing and hearty barn banter
Light floaty trotting and smooth rocking canters
Big soft-eyed geldings all tacked up like kings
These are a few of my favorite things!
Cream-colored ponies and bright mares with moxie
Fresh colts and fillies and steeds that are stocky
A horse that can move as though she had wings
These are a few of my favorite things!
O Come All Ye Horse Poor
(to the tune of “O Come All Ye Faithful”)
O come all ye horse-poor
Broke and without money
O come ye, o come ye and look at your bills.
Come, let us count them, figure up the total:
O here is your board bill
And here is your farrier
And here is your vet bill,
The greatest of all!
George Morris Is Coming To Town
(to the tune of “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”)
You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I’m telling you why
George Morris is coming to town.
He’s watching your horse
And checking it twice:
You’re gonna find out if
it’s really that nice.
George Morris is coming to town.
What Shoe Is This
(to the tune of “What Child Is This”)
What shoe is this which I have found
out in the muddy pasture?
It must have fallen off someone,
which means the hoof’s a disaster.
Why, why must you play all day
And rip your shoes off all the way?
Now, now I must find the one
who’s left this shoe behind them.
Gray Show Horse
(to the tune of “White Christmas”)
I’m dreaming of a gray show horse
Because I bathed him yesterday.
The show’s today,
so will he stay
as clean and bright as I pray?
Horses Loose
(to the tune of “Jingle Bells”)
Dashing through the snow
With a grain bucket in my hand
Down the road I go
This ain’t what I had planned!
The hoof prints lead this way
I hope I’m on the trail
Was that a distant neigh?
And a flash of waving tail?
Oh, horses loose, horses loose
Horses over there
Oh what fun it is to chase
Your horses everywhere!
Horses loose, horses loose
Horses can’t be found
Oh how much I love to chase
My horses all around.