Best of HN: Best Walmart Aisles for Horse Owners

A trip to Wally-world can be quite the adventure. For some unknown reason we become entranced upon entering. We wander up and down every aisle and, even though we have a list, we feel the need to look at everything because we may have forgotten to put something on the list.

By the time we finally check out, we realize that we just spent two hours in the Walmart vortex and have a cart full of things that were not on the list.

There are other times, however, when our willpower is strong enough to resist the trance and we can strategically make our way around the store in record time, grabbing the few items we need. I don’t know how many times I have made these quick trips to grab some essentials for my horses.

Memorized in my head are the aisles I frequent most for my horse related items, and I know the fastest routes to get to each one.

Fear not, Horse Nation readers, I have taken the liberty of roaming every aisle of Walmart for you and have hand selected the best aisles for horse owners. Hopefully this helps you in your next adventure to Wally-world.

Supplement Aisle. Usually the aisle I spend the most time in as I pray and hope they have the vitamin or mineral that I want to get my horse started on ASAP. For horses with digestive issues, you can find chia seeds and even papaya tablets. To help with urinary tract infections, this is where you find the cranberry supplements.

Adding some extra shine and healthy fats to your horse’s diet can be accomplished with the flaxseed found stocked on the shelves.

Photo by Nicole Cammuso

Digestive Care Aisle. This is one of my favorite aisles for my horses. Or at least it used to be. I am grateful I haven’t had to make horse related purchases from this aisle in a while (knock on wood). If you have ever had a horse prone to colic and/or gastric ulcers, welcome to your new favorite aisle.

Metamucil and its generic counterparts help keep things moving through your horse’s system. Aloe can be found by the gallon and at a reasonable cost. Can I get an amen?

Photo by Nicole Cammuso

First Aid Aisle. Every horse owner should have some sort of first aid kit for their horses. Here you can find some staples like thermometers, Vaseline, rubbing alcohol, peroxide and triple antibiotic ointment. Bandaging materials are generally cheaper and in bulk from equine catalogs, but in a pinch you can probably find materials in this aisle that will suffice. Oh, and Epsom salts. Lots and lots of Epsom salts.

Photo by Nicole Cammuso

Shampoo Aisle. Do people really buy their horses fancy equine shampoos and conditioners? My horses have always gotten the discounted V05 or Suave. But this aisle gives me some great options. I may even splurge next summer and get them some Herbal Essence and some coconut oil detangler. You can also find hairbrushes, which are always handy to have around.

Photo by Nicole Cammuso

Plastic Container Aisle. This one might actually be my favorite aisle. I hate clutter. I hate my items getting dusty. I hate my things getting misplaced. Plastic containers in all sizes will help you become the tack room organizational goddess or god you were born to be.

And they also have those round large tote buckets with rope handles that work great for carrying hay, using as a muck bucket or even as a water tub.

Photo by Nicole Cammuso

Camping Aisle. This is our summer go-to aisle to prepare for weekend hauling. Pop up chairs and canopies help make showing a little more comfortable and enjoyable. What’s that you say? You don’t own a living quarters trailer? Find your home away from home in your new tent and pair it with a blowup mattress and a cozy sleeping bag, all found in the camping aisle.

Photo by Nicole Cammuso

Hunting Aisle. Summer is to the camping aisle as winter is to the hunting aisle. You can usually find some great cold weather socks and gloves. And best of all, hot hands pouches to throw in your pockets for those cold days at the barn.

Photo by Nicole Cammuso

Electrical Aisle. Maybe this is more of a barn owner aisle, but extension cords can be priceless to us. Water heaters in the winter and fans in the summer. You can never have too many electrical cords.

Photo by Nicole Cammuso

Hardware Aisle. I was a bit unimpressed with the selection at Walmart for snaps and carabiners, but it still made the list because snaps are one of those things that make our lives so much easier around the barn.

Photo by Nicole Cammuso

Painting Aisle. Two words: Duct. Tape. Need I say more? I like to have a mix of duct tape and gorilla tape around the barn. You will be lost without it — it can fix anything.

Photo by Nicole Cammuso

Baby Aisle. You already know why horse owners flock to this aisle, don’t you? A little gift from god we like to call abscesses. Diapers are hands-down the easiest way to wrap an abscess. Just make sure you get a size that will work for your horse’s hoof. As a person who does not have children, I learned my lesson when I once accidentally grabbed itty bitty diapers for a big old thoroughbred foot.

Photo by Nicole Cammuso

Oil Aisle. Hard to keep horses can have us buying multiple gallons of vegetable oil per month. Adding oils to a horse’s diet is a good way to add calories without the bulk of an already large meal. Plus, it helps keep things moving along in the GI tract.

Photo by Nicole Cammuso

Bonus Aisle. The office supply aisle caught me by surprise as I turned the corner and found a display of bubble wrap. We all know we dream of completely covering our horses in bubble wrap to ward off the vet bills.

Photo by Nicole Cammuso