Brian O’Connor: Is Technology Helping Or Hurting Us

Consider Brian O’Connor our technology ombudsman.  Although I’m sure I am a shining example of how technology takes over our lives–I don’t leave my truck for event coverage without a computer, two internet connections, a video camera, a still camera, and my iPhone all on my person–I have to agree with Brian that we are perhaps becoming a bit too dependent on technology in our sport.  Thanks for writing this Brian and thank you for reading.

From Brian:
Eventing Nation:  Is technology helping or hurting us?
My friends–how many of you get upset when you cannot get  your scores on your iPhones while walking back to the barns?  How many of you get frustrated when you cannot find out how you stand in the division when you are getting off and cooling your horses down after cross country?  Organizers and event directors, how many of you get unlimited complaints about the scores NOT being posted ONLINE–not on site–but ONLINE?  Scoring program directors….how many  of you get swamped with emails DURING a competition (one that you may not even BE AT)?   So…let’s get to the chase…
We are so reliant upon our electronic devices these days…myself included…for instant communication, information, email access, and internet connectivity…that sometimes it gets in our way.  I do not understand the need for scores from events to be SO instant that they can be posted incorrectly, or as in a recent major event…cannot be posted because too many people are trying to access the system that it overloads the server and shuts it down.  Most events are held in areas where internet access is fairly easy to manage.  But, there are certain areas where that same type  of access is limited and those servers are not able to handle the demand…so I say…give em a break…please.  Let the scorers get the numbers calculated and let them get them posted on site and organizers please make it your job to get them posted on site, on a scoreboard or scoresheet of some type.  I know that people like to have access to the scores instantly, but even if those scores are delayed (going on the internet) by a few minutes, that is not a call for “death to scorers!!”  Remember when scores were only posted on site and that the members of the  press were responsible for letting the rest of the world know what happened?  Let us back up a few years, and let the professionals do their jobs…there are scorers and scoring systems out there that are really good and if we give them the time to do it right, it will happen faster and more efficiently than you think.  Please don’t send an email to the scoring gurus when your dressage score is not on the website within 3 minutes, by the time you put your horse back in the barn or trailer, untack him or her, and get to the business of XC or stadium prep, the scores will probably be posted at the event or up on the website.
I think you will find the event staff more enjoyable to work with and the event atmosphere more friendly if we back up a bit and give em a break, maybe I will look into an APP for this, thanks guys, and go eventing.
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