Colbert responds to Brian O’Connor as the Rafalca madness continues

[via COTH]

Awesome things happen when sport horses collide with mainstream media, especially on a show with a great comedian like Stephen Colbert.  On June 11th, Stephen Colbert announced on the Colbert Nation that his new favorite animal was Mitt Romney’s dressage horse Rafalca, a humorous alleged symbol of Mitt Romney’s elitism.  Last weekend our good friend Brian O’Connor responded to Cobert at the USEF National Dressage Championships.  Rafalca was named to the US Olympic dressage team following the competition.  Last night, Colbert featured Brian and Rafalca on the Colbert Nation (above).  Brian’s rebuttal video (below) was posted on Youtube briefly by the USEF Network before being removed and sent to Colbert, but it was reposted last night.  I also would be remiss to not point out that Colbert came up with an absolutely awesome name for his TV show.


If the top video doesn’t play in your browser, click here.  Go Rafalca.

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