Winner: Canada’s Caption Contest from World Equestrian Brands


I told you, I left the jump RIGHT here!

As a quick Saturday afternoon note, congratulations to EN reader Kelly for winning our latest caption contest, courtesy of World Equestrian Brands.  Kelly’s caption “I told you, I left the jump RIGHT here!” just edged out “So you rode across the country with your Mom as a kid…what have you done since then?! for the win. 

For her victory, Kelly gets a $180 Mattes pad from World Equestrian Brands.  The Mattes pads are specifically designed to enhance the fit of your saddle with a topline that is anatomically shaped like a horse’s back, not flat, with a patented Spine Free design to keep any pressure away from the horses spine. Also the dense sheepskin is always made of a single hide, so no seams anywhere near the horse’s back. 

As always, thanks to World Equestrian Brands for their wonderful support of Eventing Nation.  If it wasn’t for our sponsors, I wouldn’t be sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to London right now.  I learned my lesson with Delta last time and it’s all carry-on for me. 


Go eventing.

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