
I am very excited to welcome Cavalor as the latest member of the Eventing Nation family of sponsors.  Cavalor, of course, is a feed and supplement company with some of the best product lines on the planet.  We’ll write more about the science of why Cavalor is awesome over the coming days, but pretty much all you need to do is pick up some Cavalor grain and smell it.  You can instantly tell from feel, sight, and smell that Cavalor higher quality than anything your horse has ever eaten.
Cavalor uses only the highest quality cereals to make their feed and the company’s production process is only slightly less technologically sophisticated than building the space shuttle.  They use a patented process called Presco to give their grain 95% digestibility and a myriad of other great qualities.  The premium quality ingredients and production process leads to an incredibly high final product.  While Cavalor is in the higher price range of feeds, my view on the matter is that if we ask our horses to perform like premium athletes we should give them premium nutrition. 

While we were chatting with Cavalor about sponsorship I ordered a bag of feed, tried it, and now I’m a Cavalor regular…well, my horses are.  Top eventers, dressage horses, and show jumpers all over the world use Cavalor–over 50% of WEG 2010 horses are Cavalor horses.  The Cavalor website has a ton of information so check it out:

One last thing that I want to mention about Cavalor is that they are very excited about a new product called FreeBute Pro.  FreeBute pro is an all natural non-testing paste that serves as an anti-inflammatory.  It’s great for competitions and treatment because it is not as erosive to the stomach as bute. 

Eventers Michael and Nathalie Pollard have recently joined Cavalor’s leadership and ownership team.  Michael and Nathalie are personal friends of mine and good friends of Eventing Nation, and Cavalor will benefit from the addition of such great horse people.  Cavalor is a smart, ethical, innovative, and growing company and we are very glad to have them joining Eventing Nation.  Go eventing.

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