Clipping Time

While everyone else across Eventing Nation is enjoying competing at events or frolicking through sunny autumn fields aboard their steeds today, I get to spend the afternoon doing one of my least favorite things–clipping.  It happens every autumn: I delay the inevitable for as long as possible by using lots of blankets, but eventually the horses get too fuzzy and need to be clipped.  Sure, rubbing an over sized pair of loud vibrating blades over a 1,200 pound animal is no fun, but the worst part about clipping is that the hair gets everywhere, meaning that you have that constant itchy feeling for the rest of the day.  And, if you happen to be a perfectionist like me, then the clipping process takes twice as long trying to remove those hateful clipper lines.  Another one of my favorite clipping moments is when your blades suddenly go completely dull when you are 95% done, and hair is everywhere.  Good times.

So help me out Eventing Nation–do you have any special tips or tricks for clipping?  Some people have suggested clipping while the horse is wet to avoid inhaling tons of hair, but the dampness makes the hair stick together and the clipper lines get worse.  What are your suggestions for helping the horse to grow back a sleek and shiny coat?  Personally, I’m going to see if Omega Alpha can make a supplement to keep horses growing hair at the perfect length all year long.  Go eventing.

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