As reported earlier this week, Taylor McFall is hard at work raising funds to purchase her leased pony, Prince. Supporters around the equestrian community have been happy to help! Taylor says she has a good start, but still a long way to her goal. To help get the word out about her truck washing services being available during The Event at Rebecca Farm, the crew from Dragonfire Farm made a commercial.
“TruckWash PowerWash featuring Gamal”
Always ready to support a great cause, Chinch made a commercial as well.
In addition to truck washing, Taylor is also offering tack cleaning and is selling home made horse treats, called Pony Puffs. Taylor plans to offer her services at other events as well, so keep an eye out for her at your next West Coast event. For more information on contacting Taylor, please contact Earl or Jen McFall. We wish all the best to Taylor as she fundraises to buy Prince!