Does PRO stand for a better sport?

Sinead Halpin, a PRO and Developing A List rider, has written a blog post titled “PRO stands for a better sport!!” responding to some Eventing Nation commenters on Samantha’s Will Faudree interview from Friday.  Here are two excerpts from Sinead’s blog:

PRO is an organization that was put together by Professionals to better the Sport we not only make a living at but are also incredibly passionate about. Our simple idea was to build the sport by promoting its strengths… showcasing Top Professionals that demonstrate not only excellent ability in the tack but the ability to reach out to to people beyond the small world that is Three Day Eventing…

If you are going to point out a problem to me then you better have enough time to sit down with me and figure out a solution. PRO is a group that is “run” by the “Harvard Graduates” but that is only so we have a well educated panel to give our organization some depth and a respectable voice.  [Sinead’s blog]

The comments on our Will Faudree article, whether someone agrees with the specific points or not, point to a reality that I think almost everyone agrees with–many eventers don’t perceive PRO the way that PRO wants to be perceived.  PRO understands this, and as Sinead writes, they have tried to improve their image by partnering with charities such as Operation Home Front and offering free course walks and autograph signing sessions.  But these efforts don’t do much to address the underlying perception that PRO doesn’t have a simple and clear mission other than to promote the pros.

I sincerely believe that eventing would be better with an organization that does a good job of promoting the professionals and representing their interests–we clearly do need more prize money, more spectators, and more sustainability for the pros, and there are successful models of doing this in other sports.  Furthermore, I think most of the riders in PRO, including Will and Sinead, genuinely want to positively grow eventing for everyone, and I think that PRO has some very good ideas for eventing.  The problem for PRO is in the execution.  For example, holding the Derby Cross in Wellington will lead to both more money and more spectators from all the dressage riders and show jumpers in Wellington, but the eventers are left sitting 4 hours away in Ocala with an event to get to Sunday morning.

So, whether by voting in the poll or commenting, let’s discuss:

Go eventing.

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