Dear Friends,
Thank you for a wonderful first two weeks at Eventing Nation! Thanks to you, word of Eventing Nation has spread faster than I ever could have imagined. I have received complementary emails and phone calls from amateurs and advanced riders alike. I feel that if we continue to develop into the trusted Evening news source for top riders, then we will know we are doing our job. This post discusses our development and describes some changes to Eventing Nation.
Our goal at Eventing Nation is to serve the Eventing community by providing convenient and comprehensive access to our great sport. I think about this every day.
One characteristic of Eventing Nation that fulfills this goal is that we are fast, very fast. We bring you results and coverage 6-12 hours faster than any other news site, and days, sometimes weeks, faster than the magazine publications. In a sense, we have even been too fast. I received an email on Thursday last week wondering why we hadn’t gotten around to covering Fair Hill. In fact, we were so far past our Fair Hill coverage that our FHI posts had been bumped off Eventing Nation’s homepage.
However, as many of you know, I am obsessed with perfection and I am relentlessly trying to improve myself, my horses, and now Eventing Nation. Specifically, I am concerned that our coverage has been over-comprehensive and under-convenient. Above all else, I want you to be able to visit Eventing Nation each morning and be completely informed about all things Eventing in under 5 minutes. To accomplish this mission, we are going to be trying several different modifications to the site over the next few days. Please let us know which versions you like best.
We have some great stuff planned over the next few weeks. Since our live blog went so well last week with one guest, we are going to have two guests this week. Stay tuned for more information sometime soon. For everyone who complains (rightfully so) about the West Coast Eventing being forgotten about in the traditional media, we have a close friend of Eventing Nation attending Galway Downs and we will have complete coverage. Also, this is not for certain, but I might be attending the USEA convention. Me + computer + USEA convention will get us in a lot of trouble, but I think it would be great fun.
Lastly, I would like to ask something of you, our readers. I spend 3-4 hours a day searching for the most current eventing news, talking to sources, and publishing the info onto Eventing Nation. If you get a second, please let me know that you are reading and enjoying the content by commenting, registering, voting on polls, or sending me an email. This way I know what works and I can do more of it! Conversely, if you do not enjoy the content, shoot me an email and I promise that I will make some changes. Eventing Nation is here for you and I am more than happy to adapt accordingly. We have just opened up our registration feature, where you can create a user profile with picture and where other viewers will be able to view your activity on Eventing Nation. Also, we have left commenting open to anonymous commenters, so please participate in one of these two ways. Finally, it would give me a great sense of pride if you would continue to spread the word about Eventing Nation to your friends and family. Thank you for reading and please return sometime soon.
Kind Regards, John