Eventing Profile of the Week from Tipperary


Name: Cherie Chauvin
Age: 34
Location: Silver Spring, MD
Relationship to Eventing: Rider – Preliminary level; Completed my first one after a seventeen year hiatus at the Maryland Horse Trials this past summer!
Favorite Eventing moment/story?:  Aside from the humiliating ones??  My favorite memory is completing my one-star long format way back in 1994.  I didn’t win, but I did get a ribbon and a small carpet (the carpet now lives in the front of my gooseneck trailer!).  And I came home with enough passion to last over 10 years while I found my way back to eventing – through college, grad school, starting a career…  the road was always winding towards getting back to eventing.  That’s a pretty special sport to have that kind of power to draw people back after so many years away.
If you had to pick one reason why you love Eventing, what would it be?:  The good it does for the heart and soul of horses and riders.  Watch them both glow as they cross the XC finish flags – I don’t think there’s another equestrian sport (or any sport!) when you see both horse and rider glow like that.  It’s breathtaking.
Overall Goals in the sport: To love every ride! And to keep pursuing the next challenge on the horizon – I hope that leads to high places, but only time will tell.
Biggest Role model: Ginny Leng and Lucinda Green were my childhood heroes, and I’ll never grow out of loving them!  Mike Huber was my young rider role model and I still follow him around any chance I get, which is only about once a year now.  But these days, I mostly stalk, er, I mean consider my role model to be Jim Wofford.  When the COTH forum posters call him “god” – it’s based on scientific proof.  Trust me.
Link to blog or website, if applicable:  http://www.golightlysporthorses.blogspot.com/
Photo(s) or videos:  Picture attached from spring 2010 Training level horse trial (Rubicon) with my current OTTB horse – Katchi Kapshi.  And here is the link to our helmet cam video at the Area II Training Championships last fall: http://www.youtube.com/user/GolightlyHorses#p/u/11/V2-PZCaRA1c  SO MUCH FUN!!

f you’d like to submit an Eventing profile, follow this link for more information, fill out the form, and send it to [email protected].

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