Eventing Profile of the Week

Name: Erin

Age: 30

Location: Northern CA

Relationship to Eventing: Crossover from Hunter/Jumper Land.  Starting my first season this year at BN. I put in a lot of time helping out as a jump-judge in the 90’s 🙂 

Favorite Eventing moment/story?: Prior to jumping in with both feet this year, I did an event as a teenager at Pebble Beach.  At the time I was riding my Jumper with a Dressage trainer three days a week, so I figured “Hey, how hard can it be? Do a Dressage test, jump over some logs and then go do an optimum-time jumper course.  No problem.”  My BFF who showed in the Jumpers with me on occasion, was moving up to Preliminary.  I figured that since Preliminary fence heights were smaller than what I was showing over in the Jumper ring, and since we jumped all manner of logs and picnic tables in the woods, I’d just tag along, jumping in straight at Preliminary.  Ah, teenage hubris.  

The Event trainer at the barn insisted that I come school XC with them before the course closed so I had a feel for how things would be outside the ring.  We got down to the course and started over some comfortable logs.  I was feeling fairly confident.  The trainer was pleased and said we were going to move on to some bigger stuff.  She told us that we were to canter through the water, over the log there, cruise around the bend, over another fence there and then gallop up the slope to the narrow Trakhener and the down bank in to the water.  She went up the hill and disappeared around the corner.  My BFF and I waited a moment or two before I started on the exercise.  

The first two fences went well – they were simple and straight forward.  I could hear my BFF behind me, splashing through the water.  I turned the corner and started the gallop up the hill.  Then I saw it.  The most terrifying fence I had ever seen.  A massive, solid and unforgiving log suspended over a black-abyss.  Worse yet,  My eyes went wide and I shouted out a few colorful expletives and pulled off the track, piloting my horse towards the much more reasonable Novice log next to the imposing Trakhener.  I pulled up next to our Trainer, who was chuckling at my unrelenting stream of profanity.  I heard hoofbeats and turned my eyes at the Trakhener again as my BFF approached.  As her horse left the ground, her eyes snapped over to me and she declared loudly “CHICKEN!”  She landed and continued on to the down bank, mocking me with giggles and “BAWK BAWK BAWK” the whole way. 

I rode Beginner Novice at that event. 

My second favorite Eventing moment would be the very first Hunter Pace I did with my Morgan.  She’d only been jumping for perhaps two months and never presented with any sort of Cross Country obstacle.  We went out and she packed me around an Intro level course with no trouble at all.  Even more exciting, we actually WON the class – only three seconds off of optimum time!  

If you had to pick one reason why you love Eventing, what would it be? Every Eventer I have encountered has been incredibly kind and knowledgeable.  For the most part, things run on time.  It is a welcome change of pace from the Hurry Up And Wait of the Hunter/Jumper shows. 

Overall Goals in the sport:  I’m happy to cruise around Beginner Novice this year, maybe take a crack at Novice early next year.  I’m currently riding a 14.1hh Morgan that I started over fences less than 10 months ago.  She is turning in to an absolute machine.  

Biggest Role model: Other adult-amateurs who have come to this sport as adults and continue to push themselves to be better riders and better horsemen and women – especially the ones who do it all on their own.  It is a refreshing change of pace from the scene in your average Hunter/Jumper barn where everyone is dependent on constant hand-holding.  

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