Caroline Culbertson of the USEA notified us this morning that the final versions of all the new 2014 dressage tests are now available on the USEA website. The USEA also published comments from Wayne Quarles, Chair of USEF Eventing Technical Committee, on the new tests, which you can read below. Go New Tests!
2014 Dressage Tests
- Beginner Novice: Test A | Test B
- Novice: Test A | Test B | Novice Three-Day
- Training: Test A | Test B | Training Three-Day
- Preliminary: Test A | Test B | Preliminary Three-Day
- Intermediate: Test A | Test B
- Advanced: Test A | Test B
From the USEA:
All USEF dressage tests for eventing for 2014-2018 are now available on the USEA website. The Novice Three Day dressage test, marked 2012, will remain the same.
From Wayne Quarles (Chair of USEF Eventing Technical Committee): “Following word that the FEI would not be creating new tests for this new four year period, the USEF Eventing Technical Committee put together a group of riders, judges and trainers to review our existing tests and decide whether or not they were doing the job they were intended to do: to create a progression for our riders as they move up the levels.
The group was made up of myself as Chair, Loris Henry, Sally O’Connor, Brian Ross, Gina Miles, Jon Holling, Kerry Milliken and Lilo Fore. As Brian Ross and Sally O’Connor have been the writers of the Eventing tests for several years, we felt their input was necessary for continuity. I was there as the Vice Chair (now Chair) of the USEF Eventing Technical Committee as well as being an FEI 3*/4* Eventing Judge and USEF “R” Dressage judge, rider and trainer, plus I had been on the review panel for the previous tests. Loris Henry is an FEI 3*/4* Eventing judge and USEF “S” Dressage judge, rider and trainer, had also been on the previous review panel. Kerry Millikin, Gina Miles and Jon Holling are all upper level riders and trainers who are also members of the USEF Technical Committee. Lilo Fore is an FEI 5* Dressage Judge and has been working with the USEA Eventing Judge training programs, was there to help ensure the consistency in our directives and flow.
As a group we came to the conclusion that the tests were in general doing the job intended, but could use minor adjustments in some of the movements and consistency in the directives. The result is the collection of tests we have presented. The largest change that people will notice is that there are now two tests for the Preliminary level rather than three, and Test B is in the long court. Organizers should note that Preliminary Test B in the long court is actually shorter in time than Test A.
In general, the test patterns have not changed significantly, however we feel they are correct for our sport at this time.”