Friday morning Dressage at Rebecca Farm


Maya Studenmund and Shear Mizou
I hate to complain about the cold when the majority of the States are sweltering in intense heat, but it really was quite chilly at Rebecca Farm this morning, and temperatures are forecast to drop into the thirties tonight. What with cross country starting bright and early at 7:30am tomorrow, I may well have a trip to the sporting goods store in my future to stock up on some thermal underwear – it never occurred to me to pack it for a midsummer trip, even though I am going straight from here to England so I should have known better. Rest assured I do have my rain gear! 

Buck Davidson and All the Aces
Ronald Z-B rides three in the CCI **; he got the ball rolling on Che Mr Wiseguy. Phillip Dutton warmed them up, and they made an attractive picture – relaxed, composed, and obviously a long-standing partnership very comfortable with each other. 
Shannon Lilley and Ballingowan Pizazz, who worked well, but he has that annoying habit of sticking his tongue out quite a lot which will no doubt cost them dearly.
David, Phillip, Allison and Buck were all helping their various riders and not only was I thrilled to meet Sally O’Connor in person this morning, but she explained to me the FEI rule, that coaches must now stay on the sidelines, ie NOT in the middle of the arena, and she’d already had to remind several of them about this. The rule stems from pure dressage, and Sally also told me the wonderful news that she’ll be contributing more to Eventing Nation in the future from the “official’s” perspective, especially from Burghley, so that’s definitely something to look forward to.
Allison and Phillip – staying on the edges! 
The Ringmaster?! 
It was very sweet – there was a mother and daughter waiting for Buck to finish coaching, before they breathlessy approached him, and asked, “Mr Davidson, please could you sign our hats and shirt?” Just to clarify, they weren’t wearing either item!  Buck was very gracious, but told them that Mr Davidson was his dad, and that he was Buck, signed the items, chatted for a minute or two, and then went back to work. 
Arthur getting in the zone before his dressage this afternoon. Allison told me he feels great, is loving the cooler weather; she rode him twice this morning, at least that I saw, she said fatigue doesn’t exist for him – Give me some of that! Speaking of which, time for me to scurry back as Sharon White will be entering the arena at 1:30pm Rebecca Farm time, to start the CIC 3* and I certainly can’t miss that. Go Chilly Montana and Go Eventing! 
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