USEA Convention’s Friday Morning News

Have you ever wondered where the EN corporate headquarters is actually located? The answer is wherever the staffers’ laptops happen to be; John’s is currently at the USEA Convention in Scottsdale, Arizona. Mine on the other hand is in the frigid East Coast, far away from any convention or temperatures above thirty degrees. I’m not bitter, John needs to work on his tan more than I do anyway. 
Some important notes from yesterday’s Convention coverage:

Update: Audio of Thursday’s Smart Business Practices meeting from the USEA

USEA’s highlights of Thursday seminars and activities. As John wrote earlier, major points of discussion in the PHC were rules changes regarding helmets, Phillip’s proposal of larger Advanced divisions, the need for a more effective watch list, and that the CIC* division needs re-evaluating. 
Richard Jeffery, the highly regarded show jump course designer, gave a live course design seminar yesterday. EventingUSA has coverage and photos
And other non- convention news:
Ecogold, a Canadian based company that specializes in saddle pads and horse boots, released a statement yesterday supporting the helmet rule change and campaign. Ecogold has been a really great support to the event world over the past year, and it just goes to show that individual and well respected leadership can have a big influence on an industry. 
The London International Horse Show starts next week, and has been termed, “The best lineup of show jumpers in a decade.” The article states that the likes of Kevin Staut, who’s currently number one in Rolex rankings, as well as Eric van der Vleuten, the winner of last year’s World Cup qualifier, will be in attendance. 
Cheshire Hunt of Pennsylvania is holding a hunt benefit on December 18th for Jake Chalfin, a race rider who was severely injured earlier this year. For $100, you can support the cause, bypass the cap fee, and have a great time out hunting. Ready your flasks people. 
Help for Heroes, a non-profit charity that supports injured servicemen and women, is hosting a horseback trek across Mongolia this upcoming July for the cause. Horse and Hound has the story.
The Eventing Radio Show hosted Lucinda Fredericks for a lively discussion about her holiday plans and goals for the 2011 season. Listen here. 
Our fearless leader will be up and around shortly to continue his extensive coverage of the USEA Convention, and he might even bust out the camera and take a few pictures of the Arizona scenery. It should be a busy and exciting day on Eventing Nation!
Stay tuned. 
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