WNCN in Raleigh, North Carolina recently visited Hope the Wonderhorse at the Old Glory Legacy Foundation to capture the brave little filly’s spirit on camera and learn how she inspired the creation of the Sandhills Horse Rescue.
We told Hope’s story of survival after seeing photographer Allie Conrad’s incredible portraits of the filly online. We are delighted Hope is rapidly progressing on her road to recovery after having been starved nearly to death. It was announced on Hope’s Facebook page this week that her latest blood work was the best yet and she has a new found burst of energy.
“I am very comfortable saying this filly has a 95% chance of survival. I expect no further complications…from here it’s just the healing process and gaining strength,” said Dr. Lisa Kivett, who has been Hope’s veterinarian since she was rescued.
Hope continues to inspire people around the world and donations of medical supplies, clothing and cookies are pouring in along with letters and pictures from fans. Learn how you can help.
[Sandhills ‘Wonder Horse’ Inspires New Rescue Mission]