Galway CCI** update

Whitney Weston and Rock on Rose – clear and fast, in fact Whitney told me she’s going to have to start researching a different bit for her next ride!

By virtue of clear jumping rounds cross country within the time, Amber Levine cemented her tied lead after the dressage on Oz Proof of Purchase, and Hawley Bennet-Awad moved into second place on SplendoroftheSun. Two time penalties dropped Max McManamy down two places to overnight 3rd place, but she said she was thrilled with her ride on Project Runway (video to come later), and James Alliston moved up into fourth place with a fast clear on Tivoli. The conditions are fabulous – the footing is perfect, the sun is out but it’s not too hot at all and there’s still a brisk breeze. I’d write more, in fact I’d write all day, but CCI*** is set to begin in minutes and I want to bring you all the action. You can check scores here, and follow @galwaydowns on twitter for live action updates. More later, Go eventing!

Max McManamy is thrilled with her ride despite two time penalties. 
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