*Update: Jennie’s Memories of Cooper
“The decision was made today after weeks of ups and downs and continued complications that to continue to attempt to save Cooper at this point would be for my own mental well being.
Cooper wouldn’t have a chance at having a humane quality of life if we continued on the same path. I will always know that we did everything we could do for him.
Thank you to everyone that has supported him and me. He was a champion, and I hope that he will be remembered for what he was and could be. I didn’t deserve Cooper, and what he gave me in four years was more than any other horse ever could and will…
No horse will ever replace Cooper…although I don’t think I need to say that.” Full Blog Entry, COTH Forum Thread
From the accident at Fair Hill, through the multiple surgeries, to Cooper coming home, to Cooper suffering from laminitis, and finally to this terrible conclusion, Cooper’s journey has been the most inspiring and the most tragic story in eventing for 2009. Cooper will be in a better place now, and he will enjoy watching Jennie rebound from this terrible incident and climb again to the top of eventing.