Boyd spent Saturday getting to know Last Monarch and Cold Harbor, in the dressage ring and on the show jumping course. So I knew Sunday’s cross country rounds would be brilliant. I mean, Boyd already rode them twice for crying out loud, and he did not disappoint. Both horses put in flawless cross counrty rounds. Stewie was 6th in the advanced and Bo was 3rd in the intermediate horse.
We have been back home and I am riding again. It was a bit hard to watch for the weekend, so I am happy to be in the saddle! One thing I noticed with Stewie on the flat is I really need to keep lengthing his neck out. He gets tight easy and it was beneficial to see what I feel. As for the jumping, I believe I am on track. My plan is to get a few more dressage lessons with Silva Martin and jump schools with P Duddy. My gallops have increased to 3 seven minute sets, and I will add a bit of speed work soon. In less than 2 weeks I will be competing both horses at SPHT II, then it is off to The Fork. I think my biggest plan for now is to keep Stewie’s fitness going and work on the flatwork. I am proud of how far he has come and cannot wait for the next 2 months! Will catch up soon.