Quick Quiz Question

Whose spurs are these? No prizes, just bragging rights!
(Clue: they belong to a lady rider and were specially made for her by a generous supporter for a recent Championship) 

Answer: Sue Church made these spurs for Hawley to wear at the Pan-Am Games where the Canadians picked up a Team Silver Medal. You can barely see the little diamante red and white studs along the actual spur on Hawley’s heel too – very pretty! I’ll be bringing you another one on Monday! Enjoy your weekend, and go eventing!

">mystery spurs.jpg

Answer: Sue Church made these spurs for Hawley to wear at the Pan-Am Games where the Canadians picked up a Team Silver Medal. You can barely see the little diamante red and white studs along the actual spur on Hawley’s heel too – very pretty! I’ll be bringing you another one on Monday! Enjoy your weekend, and go eventing!