Insanity in the Middle: The Fork 2012 edition

And then Michael Pollard had to go and ruin everything with a 41.1 on Jude’s Law!

On Thursday, at the time of taping this insanity, Karen was leading everything, and Marilyn is sticking like glue right behind her. Brian has done a sterling job all day keeping everything running smoothly and, in fact, slightly ahead of schedule, no wonder the insanity has to leak out somewhere! The real test will come on Saturday though, for me the benchmark will be the golden honey tones and deadpan wit of John Kyle: can Brian match or even better that? Time will tell! In the meantime, no-one does insanity in the middle like he does, enjoy!



Many thanks to Brian, to Karen who you can hear hollering at him in the background, and to all the volunteers, scribes, scorers, arena crew and everyone who made today run so smoothly. A special shout out to Susan Beebee’s friend Jonah who gave me a lift in his golf cart to the press conference, and to Jen Holling for mothering me and making me feel all better, “because that’s what we do,” I do feel all better and hope I can pay it forward one day. Many thanks, I love eventing!

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