Introducing Meg

You may remember Meg from her chronicles of Sinead and Tate at Burghley.  We are excited to announce that she is planning to be a regular contributor here at EN.  The chinchillas are just hoping she will take them along to Florida.


Meg Kep stick horse.jpg


After months of stalking and begging John to let me write on EN…crying to him on the phone, bombarding him with cry faces in texts, emails, and even letting my tears drop onto an A4 page only to fold it up and send it via the post –  has he finally granted me permission to be a weekly staple here on the ever-great EN. My first step towards world domination is complete. Just remember ladies, with enough tears – any male will eventually crumble.

I kid, I kid.

I mean, Dad never DID buy me that pony.. and I still seem to get speeding tickets so…

Back to the task at hand: impressing my new-ish audience with my witty words and underlying life lessons.  EN asked me what my “thing” was going to be – what it was I would write about. Never have I felt so much pressure, that is since 5th grade when my best friend and I were the closing act of the talent show. An act where we did a dressage test on stick horses wearing jodphurs and velvet hunt caps (yes that is my big head in the picture from ’95 with my bff and our trusty steeds). Or so they told us we were going to be the closing act, but much to our dismay – as we did our final halt salute (simultaneously, because clearly we were both doing our freestyles at the same time) they hooked us off the stage and the cute 5th grade boys with the long hair and blue braces set up their awesome drum set and guitars and proceeded to sing a horribly squeaky version of some #1 record from Green Day’s Dookie album bringing the audience to their feet, audience in full ovation.  I digress.

I definitely don’t want to commit myself to any one topic – I am a commitment phobic by nature – so I think I am going to keep my options open because you never know when something better is going to come along….


Welcome to the crew, Meg.  Stay tuned tomorrow for Meg’s first official entry: Glory-da, or how eventers prepare for a winter season in Florida.   

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