Jay O’Connor Passes Away


Well after a two week hiatus from writing on Eventing Nation while I was on a vacation in Europe, this was certainly not the news I had hoped to write about on my first day back. I got a message this morning from Sally O’Connor, informing me of the news that David and Brian’s father, Jay O’Connor, passed away early this morning after suffering a heart attack late last night. In situations like these, the right words are so very, very hard to find. I know the whole of Eventing Nation sends our condolences to David, Brian, Sally, Karen, and everyone connected in some way to them. 

Mr. O’Connor lived in Gaithersburg, Maryland up until the time of his sudden death, at the age of 79. He was a very successful Naval engineer, having studied at the New York Maritime College. During his time working for the Navy, he specialized in submarines, both in their design and construction, and played a crucial role in their use during the Cold War. He was even awarded a Presidential Award for Naval Excellence for his contributions. 

I think Mr. O’Connor was the less prolific parent in the eye of the equestrian public, probably because he was less connected to the horse world than Sally and didn’t partake in that famous cross country ride, but the influence he had on his sons was obviously tremendous. I think it would be fair to say that Sally has the assertive personality of the family while Jay was the quieter, more subdued guide in his sons’ lives, which is probably how David ended up with the quiet but powerful personality that has served him so well in everything he has done in his career. 
Let’s keep the O’Connors in our thoughts and prayers today. 
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