You work your tail off, and all the pieces are in place. You have sponsors, brands, friends and family all supporting you. You have a team of equestrians and loved ones around you. You have equine professionals such as farriers, veterinarians, and more all helping to give your horse the best in world class care.
But sometimes, things just don’t go as planned. If you’ve been following our story on Jordán and her horse Revitavet Capato on the #RoadtoRolex, we have some updates to share.
Sitting in 18th place after dressage at Rolex, with their best phase of cross country coming up, Capato seemed ever so slightly “off.” Not lame, not sore, not ouchy. Just not 100%. Maybe 98%. But not quite 100%.
The vets couldn’t find anything on repeated jogs and exams and cleared them to compete, but Jordán being the class act she is and always has been, had nothing but the best interest of her horse in mind. Rolex, as anyone who knows anything about eventing knows, is not a course you take on when your horse is anything but 100%. So they voluntarily withdrew.
The rest of the weekend was spent doing further diagnostics, and the results came back thankfully minor. Nothing more than some slight arthritic changes on par for a horse of Capato’s age and show record; he’s 14 and has done two four-star events and multiple three-star events in his career.
But enough that it was best to not have taken a crack at the Rolex cross country course. So they did some joint maintenance, and instead of heading back home to Washington state they rerouted to the Jersey Fresh CIC3*.
I’ll get to follow Jordán and Capato as their adventure continues, heading to the one major international event in my home state of New Jersey, that oddly, I’ve never been to before (yes, I know, I’ve been to Rolex four times now but never to Jersey Fresh).
The course has been expanded and redesigned by Capt. Mark Phillips, the show grounds updated, and it’s set to be a spectacular weekend. While we’re saddened that Jordán and Capato didn’t get their third completion at Rolex, we’re so happy to be able to follow along in their travels and learn from a rider who always has her horse’s best interests at heart.
Thanks for letting us follow your story, Jordán, best of luck, and see you at Jersey Fresh! Stay tuned for more updates ahead! Go Eventing.