Monday Morning Good News

After a rough day on Sunday, we have a few positives to welcome in the new week.  If you promise not to tell anyone, I’ll explain that Visionaire got married on Saturday.  Visionaire’s new husband (who we will call ‘Mr. Visionaire’) is one of the luckiest guys in the world to land such an awesome bride and I wish them many loving years together.  If you know Visionaire, you won’t be surprised to hear that the wedding was planned around the UK Basketball season and the WEGs.
I guess it is just big announcement season on Eventing Nation because we will have another exciting announcement on Eventing Nation either Monday or Tuesday so stay tuned for that.  
Also, I wanted to pass along an email that we got from LisaB, who is a regular EN reader and a recent winner of an Omega Alpha contest here on EN.  Omega Alpha sent Lisa a prize basket and Lisa was kind enough to write about her experience with the Omega Alpha products:
From Lisa:

“I wanted to thank you both for the samples of Omega Alpha I was given.  I’ve been using them and wanted to give you a report, especially after a long haul from VA to NY for the Millbrook horse trials.  I’ve had Winston for over 7 years now so I know his quirks (a lot of them) and habits.  I will tell you that putting him on the Probiotic really helped with his issue of not going while at a show.  I was super pleased he got off the trailer and that evening had his normal amount the next morning.  I do believe the Probiotic helped. 

I’ve also been using the Respi-Free when doing my conditioning work and my jump schools.  My horse is heavier and is a very heavy breather during jump schools.  So, I thought I would give it a try to see if it helped him.  Especially in this nasty August weather.  And it really does help!  He wasn’t as labored. 

The first day I got the samples, Winston was in a snit that day.  His snits consist of spooking and exiting until he decides he wants to be caught.  Also, it involves a lot of jumping out of his skin.  So, I squirted some Chill into him which would normally send him into a serious tizzy but he really likes the taste of it.  And I actually got a good ride out of him! The fly spray is probably the most effective I’ve had on deer flies, which we have a lot of because we are surrounded by timber farm.  The horses give a grumpy face from the smell but they know it works. Again, thank you so much for the samples!”

You’re welcome Lisa, thanks for being such a great part of EN.  Go eventing.
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