Let’s face facts: this sport wouldn’t exist in the same format it does today without grooms. Can you imagine riders managing multiple horses in different divisions over a competition weekend without help? Grooms may be tucked away behind-the-scenes, but their work is no less crucial.
From cleaning tack to organizing the trailer to endless hours of hand walking horses before competition, these #Supergrooms make sure horses and riders have everything they need to cross the finish line safely.
All season long we’ve worked together with Achieve Equine to highlight these hard-working grooms both at events and at home. Now, as we wrap up the year, we’re looking for one more nomination for The One #Supergroom to Rule Them All.
This is the groom who has gone above and beyond all season long, always staying late at the barn, and going the extra mile to make sure the horses are safe and happy. We’re looking for the groom your barn couldn’t function without!
[Click here to read more #Supergroom content on EN]
The winner of this contest will receive a Visa gift card (because everyone loves some cold hard cash), Achieve Equine swag, and, of course, bragging rights. Nominating a groom is easy. Simply fill out the form below before December 27th. The winner will be announced on December 29th! You can also click here to fill out the form in your browser.