Make Your Nominations: The Ride EquiSafe Crappiest Weekend Award

Every eventer, whether an amateur, professional, or heck even an Olympian, has had a bad weekend, has dealt with dashed hopes, and watched certain dreams fade away. What matters is how we respond in those moments. Do we react with respect for the horse, learn from the lesson, and look to the future? Or do we throw in the towel?

Eventing takes resilience. While our horses are talented in and out of the ring, perhaps their greatest skill is humbling us when we’re getting a little too big for our britches. And when we do eat dirt, eventers bounce back, ready to get knocked down again.

Allie Knowles perhaps said it best, “Just keep going. Keep trying. That’s literally it. Eventing is a game of consistency and determination. There’s no great rider that hasn’t broken some bones and wondered, ‘What on Earth are we doing here? Why am I trying so hard?’ and ‘What are we doing this for? How am I ever gonna be good enough to get there?’

Really, you just have to stand up and do it again. And again. And again. And again.”


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The Ride EquiSafe Crappiest Weekend Award was created in the name of that resilient spirit. We’re looking for the rider who has been knocked down multiple times only to stand right back up again, get back in that start box, and give it another go, no matter what. And after all, what’s life without a little sense of humor?

The winner of this contest will receive a Ride EquiSafe Fall Club Pin, a $250 gift card, and a big round of applause from the eventing community. To nominate a rider competing at Carolina this weekend, simply fill out this form before March 16th. The winner will be chosen on the last day of the Setters’ Run Farm Carolina International CCI4*.

You can also visit the Ride EquiSafe booth in the Vendor Village here at Carolina all week long!

Good luck and chin up!

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