Meg Kep: Do you have good internet?

EN’s good friend and groom extraordinaire Meg Kep is taking a brief break from Tate Duty to return home for her sister’s bachelorette party.  While sitting at the airport, she was kind enough to take the time and update us on Maizey Manor and the treasure of internet service.  We wish Meg, Tate, and Sinead all the best as they prepare for Barbury Castle and a chance at the US Olympic Team.  Thanks for writing, Meg, and thanks for reading.
Meg & Manoir de Carneville at The Fork, photo by Samantha
From Meg:
Ironically this email was about good internet, and I have just spent the last 45 minutes failing to find internet and I probably have spent a total of 15 dollars and 3 hours’ time on this blog entry.
Sidebar: wow there are a lot of people in the world. /sidebar
I’m sitting drinking mimosas and eating mushrooms, beans and toast in Heathrow Airport. I’m headed home for the weekend for my sister’s bachelorette party in Charleston. It’s hard to leave Tate and Sinead; as excited as I am to have a normal life weekend, I cannot help but feel like I might miss a part of this journey.
With the Americans’ arrival to the UK comes a bittersweet feeling. I’m so happy that some of my closest friends and colleagues have arrived safely in the Olde Country. but as they have arrived the reality is that the witching hour is near,. Everyone has worked very hard to get over here and until Sunday at Barbury Castle it’s anyone’s game. That being said, it is very comforting to know from a patriotic standpoint that our country has a lot of solid horses and riders….and grooms! It’s a good position to be in.
Worries aside, my faith in Tate and Sinead  exponentially grows on a daily basis. after Tater’s long journey he has not put a foot wrong and has his head down and ready to work every morning. Looking fitter and fitter, getting more careful over fences and more confident in his flawork, it’s really exciting seeing the growth from day to day.
No matter what happens, I know the pair will equally step up to do their best next weekend,
Today Maizey Manor is heading off to Hunter Farms to practice their Olympic test. I look forward to seeing the videos when I land in Charleston (before I am bombarded with phallic jewelry).
While  I’m away I’ve secretly posted my picture in Tate’s stall so he remembers who really loves him the most. I’ve also put up security cameras, and hired my good friend Emily Dunn to be secret service for Tate; not that I don’t trust Sinead, think of it as an additional line in defense,. He is a princess after all.
Maizey is a great place to be, full of great people. I will miss this place when I finally have to depart in a couple weeks time.  It’s also quite ridiculous only taking care of one horse, and as demanding as he is, there is a lot of free time.  So Emily and I have been hitting the clubs …aka drinking white wine spritzers at a quiet pub every evening discussing life’s most important issues (world peace, the recession, the US presidential election, and where all the attractive men may be that want to take us out).
We were ambushed by American emigrants Logan Rawlings and Lillian Heard at the weekend. It was so very very good to see them, Lillian and I are kindred spirits and I think over a few gin and tonics, we planned the rest of our careers together.  This is before we went to the pub where Sinead tried to convince everyone she was a scouting agent for Broadway dancers in NYC and we took turns performing to the entire pub. I like to think that I won, but that is for the public to decide.
Bettina Hoy was on the yard my first week along with her two wild grooms, but they unfortunately had to go back to Weinerschnitzel land.  Young Kiwi Jesse Campbell now has their spot on the yard, and while we haven’t quite broken him in to be the social butterfly we expect him to be, he is coming along.  He was even nice enough to drive me to Heathrow this morning. While driving, we compared our cultural experiences and Jesse, who hasn’t yet been to America, asks, “Don’t you guys have good internet there?”
(I stare at him, blank-faced, waiting for him to laugh.)
“You know, 3G?”
(He’s serious) so I tell him…”It’s actually 4G now.”
That is when I decided he was cool enough to be my friend. Honestly, I know Americans have a lot of stereotypes but…good internet??  Has to be a first. Everyone does love a good internet connection though…
I’m pretty sure this blog has cost me about $12USD, two failed attempts to pick up wifi, a small consideration of trying to make friends with someone that has a hotspot, but then deciding against such questions because it would be awkward if my intentions to steal internet were misunderstood in an airport such as this….
Sidebar: Does Clayton have ANOTHER brother? because if there is a third Fredericks brother, he just walked into the bar I am at.  /sidebar
That is all I have for you all at the moment. IF I survive the weekened and the plane rides, I will update upon my return to the UK. Next week is a big week….accent on the Big. Or is it accent on the Next?? I think I need another mimosa!


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