Monday News and Notes from Success Equestrian

Sandy is coming! Hold on to your freakin hats.

So it seems that there were other things going on this weekend besides the gloom and doom rhetoric of those around my parts. Apparently the mother of all storms, Sandy (I’ve heard her called much worse in the past 48 hours) is scheduled to touch down in the northeast sometime tomorrow or Tuesday. I have water, wine, and canned soup. I kissed my horse goodbye this morning, left detailed blanketing instructions, and am planned to be holed up for the next day or two. To everyone living in the storm’s path, take extra precaution so you and your equine friends will be safe in the coming days.

Weeekend Results:

Waredaca HT and Classic Three Day

Chattahoochee Hills HT

Heritage Park HT

Holly Hill HT

Monday News:

The Maryland Department of Agriculture is reminding horse owners to include horses in their emergency plans. Some of their advice? Move horses and livestock to higher ground, make sure all feed and water containers are covered, and board glass windows so they don’t break onto animals. [The Horse]

Andrew Nicholson won the Pau CCI**** with Olympic mount Nereo, and his Kiwi compatriots didn’t do too shabby either. Three of the riders on the New Zealand Olympic team (Jonathan Paget, Caroline Powell, and Andrew) placed in the top 10. [Pau Results]

Christopher “Burto” Burton won the CIC** at Pau with On Q For Gold, with Michael Jung placing second with Fischerrocana FST (say that five times fast). American Jules Stiller and Enjoy Me placed ninth. [Pau CIC** Results]

Reed Kessler and Cylana won the President’s Cup at the Washington International, she placed first in a class of 28 very talented riders. [Chronicle of the Horse]

Two teenagers are being charged in Chicago for endangering animals when they let loose 27 horses at a mounted police stable. The individuals attacked two horses by spraying one with a fire extinguisher, and beating another with said extinguisher. [Chicago Tribune]

There is something called the ‘Eventing Ball’ and tickets are on sale now! All you have to do is live and compete in Scotland and have an affinity for evening wear. Okay, this isn’t news, I just really like the sound of an Eventing Ball. [British Eventing]

World of Show Jumping visited Shutterfly in retirement; I’m sure we all have those horses we remember, love, and still wonder about. [WoSJ]

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