Need to know Wednesday

The FEI has changed the European young rider results to give Germany and Great Britain a tie for the win.  The FEI’s own press release explains that they made a “very simple mistake” in the rounding of decimal places and as a result incorrectly gave Germany the silver.  Once the mistake was amended, the two teams were tied and the FEI will provide four gold medals to the German team.  Hmm, a medal controversy between Germany and Great Britain…good thing that has never happened, right?
As an aside, medals are a funny thing and everyone treats them differently.  I have seen Olympic gold medals stored in tupperware.  I don’t have the faintest idea where my young rider medal is, but then again you could say the same for my diploma, and probably most everything else I own.  Other than my computer.  I know exactly where that is.
Burghley will have free online TV coverage, you can watch the course drive here

The Rolex Three-Day and Equestrian Events Inc (EEI) have announced a transition leadership team while they search for a replacement for the great Jane Atkinson.  As we all know, Jane announced her retirement as Event Director at Rolex earlier this year.  Jane served the equestrian community for more than 35 years and is responsible for developing Rolex into a premier international competition.  Jane will serve as eventing discipline manager at the WEGs and then formally retire.  A big thanks from Eventing Nation to Jane for all her years of service.

Coree Reuter has a great article at the Chronicle today about shipping fever.  In some sense horses were not built to be put on trailers and shipped all over the place, but it is inevitable for performance horses.  Fortunately we are learning new ways to help our horses through the process.
The Carrot likes Hahahorses, and so should you

Now, you can thank me later, but if you click on this video you will get 8 minutes closer to the end of your workday.  Nobody can turn away once they start watching; it’s impossible.
Go eventing.
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