-British TV show “I’m a Celebrity: Get Me Out Of Here” receives outrage from viewers about making horses swim across a river with celebrities on their backs. The horse part begins at 4:24, swimming at 5:30. Read more
Can somebody get these guys helmet covers? “I’m up to my nips!”
–Horse painting sells for $120,000, later bucks new owner off repeatedly. Owner sends horse painting to trainer to ‘fix’ the problem. Trainer has hocks injected, gives the paining UlcerGuard, doesn’t ride it for three months, and then suggests that owner sell the horse and look for something more suitable to his ‘style of riding.’ Painting is now for sale for $60K.
Dale the pony.
-Horses in England are getting even fatter than Eventing Nation originially feared. Maybe it’s because they feed their winning Christmas donkeys rare red and green apples. You can’t make this stuff up. The good news is that you can fat score your horse with this handy video:
go eventing.