The world turns, November chugs on, and equestrians everywhere are adjusting to life without their stirrups (at least for this month). But where last week’s social media roundup included overtones of nerves, resignation and even fear of trying to walk the next day, this week there’s more of a hopeful feeling. We’re starting to see results. Those goals we set on November 1 maybe don’t seem so far away now.
New to No-Stirrup November? It’s never too late to join: check out our handy guide to getting started! (And if you want a chance to win big for your efforts, don’t miss our No-Stirrup November contest with Goode Rider.)
My trainer isn’t here to mess around #NoStirrupNovember
— Julia Perry (@juliamper97) November 5, 2016
Do you ever just lay in bed and cry because leg cramps? Lol same. #nostirrupnovember — Lauren Schlagel (@laurenschlagel_) November 6, 2016
Running three miles & then riding stirrupless for an hour does not feel so good the next day #nostirrupnovember
— Brooklynn Delaney ♡ (@brookayxo) November 8, 2016
Doing #nostirrupnovember, because I want thighs that can hulk smash all the things! — Dee (@square_halt) November 10, 2016
Not going to be able to walk tomorrow. #NoStirrupNovember
— Ashley Brooke (@_bowowser) November 10, 2016
Walking across campus is so painful #NoStirrupNovember — Christine (@MakeMineTrimmed) November 10, 2016
#nostirrupnovember helped me actually have a nice, forward ride…looks like I’m doing it more often, now
— Larissa Holmes (@uf_holmesl) November 8, 2016
#nostirrupnovember is still going strong! All our riders have made such progress over the last two weeks, and some asked for a “no stirrups December”! Great job EIF riders! A photo posted by English Ivy Farms (@englishivyga) on
Anyone else agree? Sometimes those stairs can look like a mountain after a ride… #NoStirrupNovember #CanadianHorseJournal A photo posted by Horse Community Journals Inc. (@horsejournals) on
happy #nostirrupnovember ➰ riding stirrupless is kinda hard when you have a silly pony ➰ trail rides in November are the best A photo posted by f4f? just ask 🙂 (@drafty.dreams) on
Want to share your thoughts on No-Stirrup November? Tag #NoStirrupNovember on Instagram and Twitter to join the conversation — and go riding!