Phillip Dutton and Will Faudree move into CIC*** lead at The Fork


Will Faudree rode through the rain and a painful injury from a fall at home earlier in the week  to post a winning score on Pawlow as the very first ride on Friday morning, he is amazing, nuff respect!  However a couple of rides later Phillip Dutton brought Mystery Whisper into the ring and if possible, did an ever nicer test than the one that was good enough for a 27, and the win in the CIC*** at Red Hills, and  Will and Phillip now share The Fork CIC*** dressage lead on a score of 39 after the first Friday morning Dressage session. After temps in the 90’s on wednesday afternoon, it’s in the forties and raining, which means a) it’s cold and miserable, b) I’m not taking many pictures because I’ve always balked at spending hundreds of dollars for a raincover for my camera and c) most pertinently, the horses are fresh and sometimes uncooperative, unless they’re called Pawlow or Mystery Whisper!  Back out now for more, stay dry and warm Eventing nation and go Eventing!

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