While we focused a lot of coverage on Jersey Fresh this past weekend, there were several other horse trials happening around the US. Joan Davis was the official photographer for King Oak Horse Trials in Southampton, Massachusetts, and kindly sent us some photos. To view more from Joan’s gallery, including proofs from the weekend, visit her site here: www.flatlandsfoto.com. Be sure to look for her at the upcoming USEA Hitching Post this Saturday, and at GMHA in June. Many thanks to Joan for the great images, and congrats to the competitors! [King Oak Results]

Anna Duggan riding Instant Impact were winners in Beginner Novice Rider A. Copyright Flatlands Photo.
Mary Hutchins was the TD at King Oak, and kindly provided a few words about the weekend:
Training and Beginner Novice were run on Saturday with 61 and 72 starters respectively. Light rain off and on actually helped soften the ground as New England has been in a drought for a few weeks. Courses were great as usual, nicely decorated, and moderate for a beginning of the season event. Stadium is always a little tight in the sand arena, but most riders negotiated it safely. Sunday there were 31 competitors starting at Preliminary and 90 starting at Novice. The weather was perfect for a cross country day. Ashley Adams and Randy Ward each rode three horses in Preliminary. Ashley, riding for Tom White Hill Farm of Pomfret, VT and Ocala, FL, finished 1st and 2nd in division A and 3rd in the B division. Randy took 3rd in the A division and completed with the other 2 mounts. Fence number 5 caused some refusals and spills in Preliminary. It was made up of two benches side by side, but a little uneven due to the ground. However, some horses insisted on a second look as the water run through was visible right behind the benches as they approached the fence. No serious falls resulted. As always, many helpful volunteers and very experienced management make King Oak Horse Trials a favorite event in Area 1.-Mary H Hutchins (TD)