Image courtesy of CLM DWN.
Coming into the winter season most of us are dealing with our winter time horse. The horse that snorts on the way in from the field, spooks all the time, and then kicks, butts and farts around when we try to ride. For the unlucky some of us this is our year-round horse, but we love them anyway! Good thing for us Jen Azevedo has our backs.
Jen Azevedo is the owner and creator of CLM DWN, a proprietary line of all-natural liniment solutions and gels for the calming and recovery of horses’ skin, joints, muscles and minds. Good news for all of us competitors out there is that her products are FEI clean and 100% natural, drug free and chemical free.

Image courtesy of CLM DWN.
The particular product that I tried is the CLM DWN Transdermal Calming Solution. This product is a special blend of oils that utilizes the olfactory system to help calm the mind and also relax the muscles and nervous system. The other perks of this product are that it boosts antioxidants, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory protections, while also promoting a clean and soft coat and keeping the skin nourished and dandruff free.
I tried this product on two different horses. The first was a mare that has been on stall rest for six months recovering from an injury and is now back in full work, and also on a OTTB of my students who is a greener-type of horse and can be a bit silly under saddle. We put the oil on a damp towel and allowed the horses to smell the oils and I also wiped it around their nostril and muzzle, then we used that same towel and rubbed more oil on either side of the neck, back and head. Now I know what you are all thinking, how is this possible. How is it possible for a horse to smell some essential oils and have it rubbed on their coat and it really affect something as big as a horse. My student and I were both pleasantly surprised.
My mare loved the smell and even licked the rag. When I got on her to take her to the indoor she was happy and floppy-eared the whole ride. Now she is not a wild child by any means, but she is easily distracted and I found her to be more on target during this ride. I was able to get video of Salt licking, chewing and yawning with his oil application. My student also said she had similar results to me — a more focused settled horse during her work.
The CLM DWN Transdermal Calming Solution was a resounding success and a really fun experiment to try on a couple of horses and I can’t wait to try it during the competition season. For all of our lucky readers who want to give this a try CLM DWN is doing a Christmas giveaway! Stay tuned for the contest and happy eventing!