Well, we are into April and as I like to say, time is a ticking! Rolex is around the corner and I coud not be more excited. Last Monarch has been very consistent this spring, placing 5th at Southern Pines and 4th at The Fork. One of my biggest challenges with Stewie is the dressage, because what makes him good in the jumping phases makes my circles tough! Although I did not win the dressage at both horse trials, we received a score of 35 twice. He also had solid cross country rounds and jumped 2 double clears. I will take that! So now what?
In crunch time people tend to get a bit nervous about fixing all that is broken. I know because I have seen it and done it! The fact is, you cannot train your horse up in 3 weeks, or put much fitness on. So what I am going to do is practice my dressage test, maintain Stewie’s fitness level, and get a few jump lessons with Harold Chopping until meeting up with P. Duddy and Silva Martin in Kentucky. Ashley Kriegel and Kaylie O’Neil, Stewie’s personal assistants, have him looking the best he has ever looked! They deserve a huge thanks for all their hard work and having the most unfortunate task of dealing with me everyday for the past month! (I think my husband appreciates it too) I want to thank Jason Sharer for the many hours spent making sure Stewie has the best Nike’s in town. Good farriers and vets are so important and riders cannot do without them!
I will catch up before I leave for Rolex, and cannot wait to ride there again. It has been 5 years since I last left the Rolex start box. And the feeling of competing again on a horse I not only own, but brought up the levels is beyond words. While I will never predict how Stewie and I will do, one thing is for certain. I will be the proudest mom cantering up centerline. Go Stewie!!!