Henny’s Thursday Reader

Greetings Eventing Nation.  The good news is that Europe has the internet.  The bad news is that Europe is 6 timezones away and I’m badly jet lagged, so here are a few quick morning news and notes in the hope that it is still morning in North America…

Samantha posted a quick update on her blog last night to say that she heard from Peter Atkins who said “the trial was concluded today and we are awaiting a decision from the judge.”  The trial that Peter is talking about is of course the ownership trial for Henny, who is currently in Peter’s custody per an earlier court ruling.  We’ll keep you updated when we hear about a ruling.  [Samantha’s blog]  #FreeHenny #Henny2012

The other big eventing news of the day is that the Ocala CCI2*, CCI1*, and horse trials is getting underway today at the Florida Horse Park.  Peter Atkins has two rides in the horse trials.  Buck has 5 rides in the event before he leaves for Badminton next week.  EN’s good friend Lauren Kieffer is making a comeback from her broken wrist and surgery with 6 horses entered, which is a light weekend for Lauren.  Leslie Law has 6 horses entered, and David is riding Karen’s Rolex horse, Quin, in an advanced combined test that also has DIana Burnett and Manny, Hannah Burnett and St. Barths, Olivia Loiacono and Subway, and Missy Ransehousen and BG entered. 

[Florida Ride Times, Live Scores]

–The other USEA events of the weekend are  Corona del Col in Texas, Ram Tap in Cali, Plantation in PA, River Glen in Tennessee, and St. Johns HT in Arizona.  We’ll have more on those events as the weekend nears and they get underway.

The quarantine at the easiest Ivy League school to get into and the hardest one to graduate has been lifted

–Let’s get to 3,100 Facebook fans today because 3,100 fans is cooler than 3,098.  Please click ‘like’ in the Facebook sidebar box if you like Eventing Nation, which hopefully you do.  Otherwise you would be a louse.

Jack and Jill: Let the riding begin

–Lucinda Green is a polarizing figure in eventing and I find that people either love her or hate her.  I’m a big Lucinda fan and her accomplishments as a rider speak for themselves.  The Golightly blog has been doing a great job recapping a Lucinda clinic this week in the US, so check out the recaps and videos: [Videos, Day 2 Recap]

–Sign up to watch the Horse and Hound’s Badminton live blog, and we’ll link to it during Baders of course [Horse and Hound]

Best of the Blogs: Lainey’s wake up call  

Maybe the best helmet cam ever:

That’s all for now.  I’m off to go find a McDonald’s;  ESJ and the rest of the Team will be around throughout the day with all of your eventing awesomeness.  I might even check in once or twice to cure my Eventing Nation withdrawal.  As always, thanks for making Eventing Nation part of your day.

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