Ride Along with Jon Holling in RideiQ’s VIRTUAL Clinic

Looking for some quality instruction, but have limited time or resources for a big trip? Take a look at RideiQ’s new offering of a live and virtual flatwork clinic with Jon Holling to gain some valuable insight from the comfort of your own ring.

Jon Holling and Dushi Terma. Photo by Lisa Madren.

Pairs, comfortable riding at the walk/trot/canter and through basic lateral work, are invited to register for the clinic. After participants register and provide information on themselves and their horses, Jon will craft a lesson plan and will ride through the lesson in real time with the participants while he instructs. After the ride, there will be a chat to debrief the session.

This is RideiQ’s first live, virtual clinic, and will be held on Saturday, May 25th from 11AM-12PM ET. The cost to participate is $35, and cell service is necessary to attend.

There is a cap on participants to ensure the lesson is tailored appropriately, and the debrief personal – make sure to register today to reserve your spot! You can register on Strider here.

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