Is it just me or was last week the longest week in the history of long weeks? I don’t know what caused it to stretch on so long, but man am I ever glad it’s over. This weekend is sure to be a blast with so much stuff to do all over the country. I’m not fully recovered from last weekend’s insanity at Horse Expo, but there’s no time like the present to get out and do things. Speaking of weekend fun – if you’re headed to Surefire Horse Trials, there is a Horse Show Dad award both days in honor of Tim Icke! Competitors can to nominate their dad at the Secretary’s booth to win a great prize and honor Tim, who was one of the greatest horse show dads ever.
Events This Weekend:
Fox River Valley PC HT & CCI* [Website] [Live Scores]
Shepherd Ranch SYVPC Horse Trials [Website] [Live Scores]
Surefire HT [Website] [Entry Status/Ride Times]
Encore HT [Website] [Ride Times]
Midsouth Pony Club HT [Website] [Live Scores]
Golden Spike HT [Website] [Ride Times]
Lost Hounds HT [Website] [Live Scores]
Great Vista HT [Website][Ride Times]
Saturday Links and Information:
Single Grey Chinch seeks adventure and mischief. Last seen in the vicinity of Surefire Horse Trials, traveling with a woman in a sun hat who goes by the name “Kate”. Seek out this duo at your own risk as an encounter with them may include internet superstardom, hilarity and prizes.
Whoa, whoa, what’s that change in the air that I sense? Is it a new series on EN??!! Does a training question have you stumped? Don’t know a polo wrap from a turnout blanket? Our newest advice columnist on Bloggers Row is a well known face in the eventing world and is ready to dish out some advice from “Behind the Mic.” If you have a question for our advice guru, email [email protected] — humorous questions welcome as you can expect humorous answers!
Horse-drawn carriage operators say Boston Redevelopment Agency’s proposal is a bridge too far
Michigan woman convicted of cruelty says someone poisoned her horse
Slam dunking pony teaches kids about bullying
Horse advocates head to Washington
The horse MMORPG you’ve been waiting for
Saturday Video: Are you excited about WEG’s? How about a 3D flyover of the competition sites!